How To Deal With The Symptoms Of Tinnitus

Being afflicted with tinnitus can drastically deteriorate the quality of life for the sufferer. Tinnitus makes it difficult to focus on the task at hand; it may also lead to insomnia. Luckily, there are things that you can do about it. Holistic, alternative and medical treatments are available to eliminate or improve your tinnitus symptoms.

When trying to get to sleep, take your mind off of your tinnitus and relax. Think of the term relax and keep repeating it to yourself. Make it spin, bounce, drift through the color spectrum and morph in size. This allows your imagination to push away thoughts about your tinnitus.

Walk on a regular basis. You can relax your body and feel a lot of relief from tinnitus by getting some fresh air. Pay attention to your environment as you go for a walk; see how your tinnitus responds to it. You may find that the sound of a passing car, for example, aggravates your tinnitus. Make a list of all the sounds that bother you and do your best to avoid them.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, TRT, is something you should consider. This therapy is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that is specifically designed to help people habituate to tinnitus sounds. Tinnitus should not be viewed as something that has to be dealt with. If you can learn how to keep tinnitus from being a barrier to your daily activities, you can experience a more fulfilling life.

Purchase something that produces white noise, like a fan or a noise machine. Noise items can help put you to sleep when you suffer from tinnitus. Play with the sound settings and see which one gives you the most help sleeping. White noise may be enough of a distraction from the tinnitus that you can easily fall asleep.

Recent reports have accented the benefits of magnesium for treating tinnitus, particularly when taken in higher dosages. Consult with your doctor if this course of treatment is right for your current condition of health, and ask him to recommend the proper dosage.

Know how your tinnitus sounds. Learn as much as you can about your condition through as many sources as possible, including a physician who specializes in tinnitus. Working to identify the sounds that you hear is a good first step toward eliminating the fear that may accompany your condition. Releasing fear and stress are a vital aspect of healing.

Let your doctor know that you have been told by a physician that you have tinnitus. Many medications that are available over the counter can interfere with your condition. Letting your doctor know about it will make sure that they don't prescribe something that will make the situation worse.

If acupuncture is of no interest to you because of the needles, look into acupressure instead. It works on the same principles and can bring about a similar amount of relief from the symptoms of tinnitus, but you don't have to have a bunch of metal needles sticking out all over you!

Temporary tinnitus can last for two or more days after an extremely loud sound, or exposure to high noise levels for an extended period. It is very common with soldiers who have been near explosions and with others who go to motor racing events or loud concerts. In most cases permanent damage is not done to the eardrum, meaning the problem should be temporary.

Some dieticians advise against drinking caffeinated beverages or drinks with artificial sweeteners, while others recommend a low-sodium diet. Removing these from the diet may significantly reduce symptoms to the point that they are no longer noticeable.

One relatively new tool in the fight to conquer the symptoms of tinnitus is a sonic pillow. This remarkable type of pillow was created for the armed forces to counter the effects of tinnitus that was caused by wartime injuries. While the pillow is not available to the masses as of yet, it will soon be on the market.

Certain jaw conditions can result in tinnitus symptoms, so it is wise to consult with your dentist. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues may be to blame for your tinnitus. It that's true of you, ask your dentist to help with your tinnitus by adjusting your alignment.

Find other people who have tinnitus. You can find fellow sufferers via online support groups, classified ads, and through other means. Finding others dealing with the same thing you are can help you to cope and to find answers. Many people experience what you do and may be able to help by sharing how they eased their own condition.

As this article has shown, there are a number of different things that you can do to ease your annoying tinnitus symptoms. You may not be able to completely rid yourself of the condition in its entirety but you can employ methods that will lesson its impacts on your life. Most of these treatments are harmless, so give them a try and start living a better life today.